“BoBing” is a traditional Mid-Autumn event in the Hokkien area that originated in Xiamen. People usually gather together and take turns BoBing. The Hokkien people believe that they will be on a roll in the following year if they can get a “top scorer”. Therefore, the Hokkien people always pay special attention to the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Xiamen So Funny Technology Co., Ltd. is a software company rooted in Xiamen, The main purpose we developing “The BoBing” is to promote the traditional Mid-Autumn BoBing culture in the Hokkien area, “The BoBing” not only allows users to experience the unique Mid-Autumn Festival event in Hokkien but also allows the Hokkien expatriate overseas to feel the culture of their hometown again during the Mid-Autumn Festival and mollify the homesickness of the Hokkien expatriate overseas.